Recipe Mutton Fry Marinade Soy Sauce


• 300 gr mutton
• 3 tbsp plain flour
• 1 tbsp tapioca flour
• 1/2 tsp salt
• water to taste


• 6 cloves of garlic
• 4 cloves of garlic
• 4 pieces of cayenne pepper
• 2 red chilies
• 1/2 cloves onion, thinly sliced
• 3 tamarind seed
• 2 tbsp brown sugar, comb
• 3 tbsp sweet soy sauce
• 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
• 1 tbsp oyster sauce
• 1/2 tsp black pepper, puree
• salt and flavor enhancer to taste

How to make:

1. Cut goat meat, squeeze with papaya leaves or pengempuk meat. Simmer until cooked. Drain and at-at so tender.

2. combine the flour with a little water, put the meat into the flour coating and FRY until cooked browned. Drain.

3. Puree the garlic and shallots until fragrant, stir in onions and chili. Saute until wilted.

4. put all the spices and add a little water if it is too thick and dry. Stir-stir until seasonings thickens. Enter fried goat meat and cook with bumbunya. Mix well and ready to serve with warm rice.

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